Harbour Mortgage Corp.

Веб-сайт: www.harbourmortgage.ca
Телефон: 416-361-3315
Факс: 416-361-7115
Адреса: 36 Toronto Street, Suite 500, Toronto, ON, Canada
Поштовий індекс: M5C 2C5
Сіті: Toronto
Провінція: Онтаріо
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Web Directory No.LK-288591-5393
Harbour Mortgage Corp. is a non-bank private lender and mortgage banker providing creative lending solutions on commercial real estate properties across Canada. With its head office in Toronto, Harbour is licensed and regulated by the Ministry of Financial Services of Ontario.

Harbour occupies a unique niche in the lending market with programs designed to fill the lending gaps between traditional financial institutions and typical private lenders. Every Harbour loan can be structured and customized to meet a borrower's unique requirements. Harbour Mortgage evaluates the strength of a loan based on the value of the underlying real estate asset.

Harbour Mortgage offers Creative Solutions on :

First Mortgages
■Income producing properties
■Construction loans
■Bridge financing

Subordinate Debt
■Second mortgages on income producing properties
■Mezzanine financing for development projects
■Equity loans and joint ventures

Why choose Harbour Mortgage
■Reliable Funding
■Competitive rates and fees
■Creative loan structuring
■Deal directly with decision makers
■Entrepreneurial approach
■Professional management team with proven track record
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