TCHC - Housing Connections

Телефон: 416-981-6111
Факс: 416-981-6112
Адреса: 176 Elm St., Toronto, ON, Canada
Поштовий індекс: M5T 3M4
Сіті: Toronto
Провінція: Онтаріо
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Housing Programs
Web Directory No.LK-353231-14886
Housing Connections is a subsidiary of Toronto Community Housing Corporation with its own Board of Directors.

We provide a one-stop housing solution for people looking for affordable housing in Toronto.

Although we are not a landlord; we provide access to the central waiting list for about 70,000 subsidized rental units in Toronto. This includes rent-geared-to-income units as well as rent supplement and housing allowance units in cooperatives, private non-profits, supportive housing, Toronto Community Housing buildings and private market buildings.

Housing Connections manages: • and helps people apply to the central waiting list for rent-geared-to-income housing in Toronto (rent is pegged at about 30 percent of income);
• the Rent Supplement Program with private market landlords for the City of Toronto;
• the Canada-Ontario-Toronto Housing Allowance Program, providing an allowance for rent based on unit size for applicants on the waiting list for subsidized housing.

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