Davis Rea Ltd.

Веб-сайт: www.davisrea.com
Телефон: 416-324-2200
Інший телефон: 1-877-391-9929
Факс: 416-324-2201
Адреса: 79 Wellington Street West, Suite 3535, P.O. Box 239, Toronto, ON
Поштовий індекс: M5K 1J3
Провінція: Онтаріо
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Web Directory No.LK-22046-5933
Davis Rea was founded in 1997 with the merger of D.A.C. Davis Investment Counsel Inc. and Lewis-Rea Ltd., leaders in the Canadian Wealth Management industry for over twenty years. We’re proud of our history of providing wise investment counsel and superior Client service. We’re a nimble and disciplined investment team, supported by original research and an international perspective, with risk management at the centre of everything we do.

Davis Rea is built on the principle that we regard our Clients as if they are our closest friends. Our Clients have a direct relationship with their manager—face-to-face. By making investing this personal, we’re able to give immediate advice and answers on all things financial, with our number one goal being to provide you with unbiased and objective investment strategies.

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