Town of LaSalle
The Town of LaSalle was originally located on the bank of the Detroit River on what is known as the "Nautical Mile" in Essex County. Today the Town of LaSalle is a rapidly urbanizing municipality situated in the northwest quadrant of Essex County, bordered by the Town of Amherstburg to the south, the town of Tecumseh to the east and the City of Windsor to the north. The Detroit River forms the westerly boundary of the town. Approximately 50% of LaSalle's total land area of 6,500 hectares is urban in nature. The remaining lands are rural, comprising cash-crop farming, rural residences and natural heritage features.
Named after French explorer, Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, French settlers were the first to establish roots in the area in the mid 1700s. A mission was established in the Town of Sandwich, resulting in people settling in the Turkey Creek area. LaSalle's history and that of Essex County were very much entwined when they were officially identified as part of Upper Canada in 1792. In 1991, residents of LaSalle opted to define themselves as a Town and in turn, immediately became one of the larger communities of Essex County with a population of almost 30, 000.
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