Lux Design

Телефон: 416-848-3108
Інший телефон: 416-848-3082
Факс: 905-415-9889
Адреса: 571 King Street W, Toronto, ON., Canada
Поштовий індекс: M5V 1M1
Провінція: Онтаріо
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Web Directory No.LK-71413-4877
LUX Design is a Toronto-based interior design firm specializing in unique, luxurious concepts for commercial and residential spaces. Noted for their inventive approach to luxury, the LUX team has earned both glowing reviews and industry awards for their achievements in design.

With degrees from prestigious design programs across Canada, their work has earned praise from publications including Canadian Interiors Magazine, the New York Times, and Contract Magazine, as well as industry awards from Toronto Life and Explore Design Exhibition.

The team is truly the brand at LUX, as each of the designers lends their unique perspective on every project. This team-based approach allows them to provide not only exceptional designs, but a complete customer experience from concept through completion.

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