Atlantic Lottery Corporation Inc.

Телефон: 1-800-561-3942
Адреса: 922 Main St, Moncton, NB, Canada
Поштовий індекс: E1C 8W6
Сіті: Moncton
Провінція: Нью-Брансуік
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Miscellaneous Personal Services
Electrical Repair Shops
Web Directory No.LK-266745-8414
Our players have been having fun and “dreaming big” since 1976 when Atlantic Lottery started offering lottery games on behalf of the governments of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island.

The game options have grown and changed over the years and so has our workforce! Today’s Atlantic Lottery has more than 600 employees and offers everything from dare-to-dream draw games to charity bingo; breakopen tickets to sports wagering; and games in social settings and on the Internet.

With games come winners – more than 90,000 big and small wins every day - but the best thing about lottery games is that when anyone plays, everyone benefits. 100% of our profits go back into our communities. That feels good!

** Якщо ви хочете повідомити будь-яку інформацію про помилку, будь ласка, , якщо ви хочете оновити вміст сторінки, будь ласка, надайте нам інформацію з подробицями