Novus Entertainment, Inc.
It’s un-Canadian to toot your own horn, so we’ll just say we’re the only company of our kind in the land. We proudly provide an alternative to the big telecoms. They got their start as monopolies, but we got our start quietly, offering the fastest Internet and TV to buildings in downtown Vancouver. Over the last twenty years, we’ve (politely) expanded into other buildings around Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond and Surrey. We’re proud to be the only maverick in the country, helping Canadians get better telecommunications services, better service, and better value for their loonie.
Our Internet and TV are world-class, and so are our people (if we do say so ourselves, ahem). And we’re all from around here. Yep, we live in your neighbourhoods, love our city, and complain about the rain just like you. It means we take our job seriously to provide you with great service because you’re our people. And because you know where we live.
Якщо ви хочете повідомити будь-яку інформацію про помилку, будь ласка, , якщо ви хочете оновити вміст сторінки, будь ласка, надайте нам інформацію з подробицями