Warnex Inc.

Веб-сайт: www.warnex.ca
Телефон: 450-663-6724
Інший телефон: 1-866-218-1888
Факс: 450-669-2784
Адреса: 3885 Industriel Blvd, Laval, QC, Canada
Поштовий індекс: H7L 4S3
Сіті: Laval
Провінція: Квебек
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Detective and Armored Car Services
Web Directory No.LK-426034-5115
Warnex is a life sciences company devoted to protecting public health by providing laboratory services to the pharmaceutical sector.

Warnex Bioanalytical Services conducts bioavailability and bioequivalence studies for clinical trials, and performs contract R&D for clients in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

Warnex was founded on and remains committed to a business philosophy that reduces risk while building long-term shareholder value.

The Company’s shares are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) under the symbol WNX.

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