Custom Stainless Works Inc.

Телефон: 519-752-6515
Факс: 519-752-9211
Адреса: 130 Aviation Ave., Hangar #4, Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Поштовий індекс: N3T 5T6
Провінція: Онтаріо
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Web Directory No.LK-25189-3581
Custom Stainless Works was established in 1993, and over the years has earned a reputation for unparalleled excellence in stainless steel fabrication. Whether you require a large quantity of identical parts, or need to design a unique item for a one-of-a-kind application, the team at Custom Stainless Works team is ready to help.

Custom Stainless Works offers a wide variety of metal fabrication services for your one-of-a-kind projects or mass-production parts. Custom Stainless Steel Solutions. As our name implies, we specialize in the design, supply and manufacture of custom stainless steel. If you have a complete design, we will be pleased to build to your specifications. If your concept is not yet designed, contact us to put our team to work to manufacture the item you envision.

Unparalleled precision, time after time. We build to your specifications, and exceed your expectations. We are also experienced in the mass-production of stainless steel component parts for your products. Our team can work from your existing blueprints, or work with you to design a solution for your unique needs.

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