Parada Kitchens & Bathrooms

Телефон: 416-762-3500
Інший телефон: 647-292-4731
Факс: 416-762-3503
Адреса: 3316 Dundas Street West, Toronto,ON, Canada
Поштовий індекс: M6P 2A4
Провінція: Онтаріо
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Web Directory No.LK-71370-4987
Parada Kitchens & Bathrooms is Toronto’s premier kitchen & bathroom Renovation Company specializing in custom kitchen cabinets, kitchen cupboards & countertops as well as bathroom vanities & other woodworking projects.

Parada Kitchens & Bathrooms mission is to provide you with high quality service and exceptional workmanship designed to meet all your needs, visions and expectations.

The primary goal of Parada Kitchens & Bathrooms is to ensure your complete satisfaction and deliver excellent value while creating beautiful, functional & creative kitchens & bathrooms that will be a joy to live with for years to come.

Call Parada Kitchens & Bathrooms today for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your kitchen & bathroom renovation.

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